
Discovery – Healthy Minds Healthy Habits

Welcome Web Internet Shoppers. Wondering how this introduction sounds for a first time blogger, is about as questionable and delirious as a hog riding a turned up saw blade. A weird way to cut the fat. So let this intro serve as a vigorous attempt to meet a self imposed deadline coming up very soon in additional to meeting other goals on the things to do list. Nevertheless, it will be finished and published to hold the interest of shoppers searching for product deals within the scope of this outstanding marketing system. The system: Everything and everyone has need for some type of system; Dad’s have one, mom’s have one, teachers, policemen, grocery stores, etc; all work systems to some desired end. Recently, a friend brought to my attention three needs she felt I should prioritize to help with my way of doing things or should I say, help me with my system? Believing they’d be stimulating subjects, I’ve decided to include them in this blog. Those three are accountability, mental discipline, and learning to love again. In short, these became three bricks I needed to stand on to reach life’s top fruit.

Reflecting off her insistence I give these subjects my attention makes me think her intentions were to hope my mindset be centered around her world with her being the central focal point. Now that I think of it, that’s exactly what she was attempting to do. She wanted me to be accountable (the 1st brick), to her. I know this cause not long afterwards she straight up asked “was she my woman?” A question I found strange at the time, given I had noticed a few things around her home that needed to be fixed or replaced and by the fact she’d often tell me “you’re like superman, you can fix anything!” Thank goodness my 40+ years of dating allowed me to recognize signs leading to disaster which I saw as doors necessitating the need to escape another trap and prevent another hard downfall. My first priority: Be “accountable” to myself. Acronym: DAYAL-Do As You Are Led.

Now, when it comes to “mental discipline” (the 2nd brick), I had to be settled in personal character and not tossed by distractions. For far to long, I had allowed myself to float like a cork on water, blown this way and that. But when I found my anchor (which had always been there though unrecognized by me), mental discipline became top fruit to delightfully pursue. In a sense, my self awareness took on a more concerned need to focus on things that insured future success. Surprisingly, this included the need to start blogging. It’s funny how the little steps you take toward your goals, teach you to grab a hold of the help you find along your way. In another way, you feel yourself growing towards your desires as opposed to sitting still, thinking about what you ought to do but growing stagnate. And being sluggish is not good for anyone, especially not for me, a soon-to-be retired me.

Finally, there’s the need to “Learn how to love again.” Wow! Just thinking about that phrase can cause one to sit back, look back at what they’ve come through, then exhale and smile thinking about what their future has in store for them. Do you know how blessed it is to have that option? Think about it. You can’t get correctly started or begin to understand how to do that without first appreciating yourself. Honestly, to me, this is very deep. In order for me to get the benefit of the 3rd brick, I had to step away from myself, take a detailed look and accept all that was there for what it was; the good, the bad, and the ugly.
And in light of the fact the He, through His Son, forgave me, I’d be the biggest dummy around, not to forgive myself. So to my future, with all its challenges and rewards, I say “BRING IT!”